Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Crackdown on Gambling Ads on Illegal Streaming Sites Shows 87% Reduction

Author By Sophia "Siren" Wilson Jun19,2024

The London Metropolitan Police force has been taking strict action against wagering promotions displayed on illicit streaming platforms. And the efforts are proving successful! A recent analysis reveals that these advertisements have drastically decreased by 87% over the last year. This operation, initiated in 2013, is a collaborative endeavor between the London Police’s Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) and whiteBULLET, an organization specializing in brand protection and addressing digital advertising on websites that violate copyright laws. Their objective? To disrupt platforms illegally providing access to films, television programs, literary works, audio recordings, and interactive games.

However, it extends beyond just copyright infringement. Law enforcement is also ensuring that licensed gaming providers are not unintentionally financing these unlawful activities through their promotional campaigns. This aligns with the UK Gambling Commission’s 2016 directive mandating that gaming providers exercise responsibility with their online advertising and guarantee that any external entities they collaborate with adhere to the same standards.

A crucial element of this enforcement effort is the Infringing Website List (IWL). This police-sanctioned list, subject to regular updates, serves as a resource for gaming providers to prevent the placement of advertisements on problematic sites.

Detectives within the London Police’s Intellectual Property Crimes Division have compiled a roster of illicit torrent websites generating revenue through gambling advertisements. Collaborating with forty gambling entities licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, all participants in the Infringing Website List (IWL), their objective is to halt advertising on these platforms.

Chief Inspector Peter Ratcliffe, leading the division, highlighted the positive outcomes of this joint effort: “This showcases the robust collaboration between our unit and the Gambling Commission. It exemplifies law enforcement partnering with industry regulators.” He continued, “We remain dedicated to urging all UK advertisers to join the IWL, ensuring they don’t unintentionally support criminal websites.”

Paul Hope, an Executive Director at the Gambling Commission, reiterated their dedication: “The Gambling Commission is committed to maintaining a crime-free gambling environment. This is precisely why we mandate all operators to refrain from advertising on platforms providing unauthorized access to copyrighted material.” He concluded, “The outcomes of this recent initiative are evident, and we are content with these results.”


By Sophia "Siren" Wilson

Holding a Ph.D. in Statistics and a Master's in Data Science, this author is well-versed in the application of advanced statistical techniques to casino gaming. They have extensive experience in machine learning, predictive modeling, and data visualization, which they use to uncover insights and patterns in casino data. Their articles and reviews provide readers with data-driven analysis and recommendations, helping them navigate the complex world of online gambling.

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